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The University Of Western Australia - Barry J Marshall Library

The three-level Biological Sciences Library building at UWA was extended in 2008 to become the Barry J Marshall Library. A large atrium provides a connection between the floors and a sense of the building as a whole. This sense of openness is carried throughout the library with an abundance of windows ensuring every floor provides study spaces with ample natural light. Shelving and storage have been located with a sensitivity to maintain external views, while fire stairs have glass walls to minimize obscured views. 

The Library is characterised by a variety of learning spaces which support a number of learning styles and modes, facilities that allow integration of support for information, technology and learning and that support the Library’s role in teaching information literacy, as well as maximum possible flexibility of space to accommodate future needs. Collaborative and informal study areas on the lower floors are balanced with private desks and silent zones on the upper levels.


The exposed natural finish of construction materials such as concrete, brick and steel helps to improve the indoor environment in part by eliminating potential sources of pollutants.

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