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Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre Watermans

The second component of the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre is a $13M refurbishment and upgrade​ of the 40-year old Fisheries Marine Research laboratory building at Watermans Bay on the Indian Ocean foreshore.

The Research Centre houses marine culture facilities with direct access to seawater for experimentation, general wet labs, offices and meeting rooms to engage with the public and industry. The facility includes a seawater system to draw water directly from the Indian Ocean for reticulation to labs throughout the building. 

The original building was constructed in 1968 with additions in 1977. Constructed from in-situ reinforced concrete, the building was in a desperate state of disrepair and needed an extensive patch and repair process to extend its life. Upgrades included a new roof to ensure the building is water-tight, improved laboratory and office spaces and enhanced landscaping that is sensitive to the coastal environment.

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